In a momentous event, IIP Academy bid a fond farewell to its graduating Bachelors and Diploma students, marking their successful completion of specialized programs in fine arts photography, fashion photography, food photography, and advertising photography. The farewell day in 2023 was filled with warm wishes for a prosperous personal and professional journey ahead. While some were unable to attend due to professional obligations, their absence was keenly felt. Gratitude was expressed to the juniors who orchestrated an unforgettable farewell show, showcasing the unity and camaraderie within the IIP community. The students, equipped with remarkable portfolios, have already secured placements and ventured into freelancing, exuding confidence in their future endeavors. IIP Academy takes immense pride in their achievements, wishing them continued success as they embark on their professional lives.
IIP Academy Celebrates Farewell for Graduating Bachelors and Diploma Students of 2023
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