Report: Photographers, Environment and Development

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Photography is not just about capturing a moment, it is also about the art, ethics, nature, philosophy, techniques, business, branding, and more. It is important for photographers to become more sensitive towards their environment and humanity. In this report, we will discuss the 7th Art Residency Program conducted by the Indian Institute of Photography and how it emphasized the importance of protecting the environment and sustainable development.The 7th Art Residency Program:Under thIS Program, IIP conducted several sessions on photography, environment, and aesthetics. The sessions were conducted by mentors Manuello Paganelli, Radhika Bhati, and Manish Sehrawat. The program concluded with a focus on the sound of silence, human and the art of living with nature, protecting environment and development, and more.

The Outcome: The main objective of the program was to emphasize the importance of becoming more sensitive towards the environment and humanity. The mentors stressed that to become a great photographer, one has to develop a deeper understanding of their environment and how it impacts human life. The program highlighted the importance of sustainable development and how it can be achieved through photography. The participants were encouraged to capture the beauty of nature and use it as a tool to promote sustainable development.

Conclusion: The 7th Art Residency Program conducted by IIP was a great success. The program provided a platform for photographers to showcase their work and contribute towards promoting sustainable development. The IIP has set a great example by organizing such programs and inspiring photographers to become responsible citizens of the world.

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